What we do
  Strategic and financial advice
  Market researchs and studies
  Assistance to business start up
  Managerial training
  Project financing
  Local marketing



New Financings

A data-bank up to date about several national and european financial sources allows us to provide a high number of suggestions for the best opportunities in the short times and in a transparent way.
Our purpose is to provide, within a wide range of opportunities, only thos of a particular interest for the business.

Business Development Plans:

  • · Strategic Plans and practicality studies;
  • · Interventions on organization
  • · Marketing and sale plans
  • · Procuction plans
  • · Budget analysis and economic planning
  • · Analysis of financial flows
  • · Research of financial aids
  • · Technical-economic valutation of business investments.
Specialized advices for:
  • · marketing and sale
  • · managment control
  • · financial and industrial engineering
  • · legal and business agreements
  • · information system

Promez S.r.l. - Via G. Petroni, 4 - 70100 BARI - Tel 0805564473 - Fax 0805508467 - email info@promez.it